Information relating to the Marginalia Search project.
Marginalia Search is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren’t aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed.
You may also be interested in the 🏷️ search-engine tag.
I’m happy and grateful to announce that the Marginalia Search project has been accepted for a second nlnet grant.
All the details are not yet finalized, but tentatively the grant will go toward addressing most of the items in the project roadmap for 2025.
I’ve already been working full time on the project since summer 2023, and this grant secures additional development time, and extends the runway to a comfortable degree.This update is a few days late, the canonical birth date of the project is Feb 26.
It has been another year of Marginalia Search. The project is still ongoing, still my full time job, although the project is entering a somewhat more mature phase of development, most of the big pieces are in place and do a decent job at what they do.
The roadmap for the project is available on GitHub.A while back an update went live that, with some caveats, changes the time it takes for an update on a website to reflect in the search engine index from up to 2 months to 1-2 days. Conditions being if the website has an RSS or Atom feed.
The big crawl job takes about two months, and is run partition by partition, meaning there’s typically a slice of the index that is two months stale at any given point in time.I recently put together a small library called Slop, for intermediate on-disk data representation for the search engine, replacing a few ad-hoc formats I had in place before.
This post isn’t so much an attempt to convince anyone else to use this library, as it makes trade-offs catering to a fairly niche use case, but to explore some of its design ideas, as it all came together very nicely, in the hopes that other libraries can draw ideas from it.Marginalia Search now properly supports phrase matching. This not only permits a more robust implementation of quoted search queries, but also helps promote results where the search terms occur in the document exactly in the same order as they do in the query.
This is a write-up about implementing this change. This is going to be a relatively long post, as it represents about 4 months of work.
I’m also happy and grateful to announce that the nlnet people reached out after the run of the grant was over and asked me if I had more work in the pipe, and agreed to fund this change as well!A year ago I walked out of the office for the last time. I handed in my corpo laptop, said some good-byes, and since then I have been my own boss.
This first year has been funded by an NLnet grant, which I’m in the midst of wrapping up. As of now, the work is all done, the final request for payment has been sent.
There’s a similar last-day-of-school levity to both these events.I’ve experimentally replaced some of the Java implementations of quicksort and binary search with calls to C++ code, and saw huge benefits for the sorting code but the same or worse performance for binary search.
The Marginalia Search engine is mainly written in Java, which is language that is good at many things, but not particularly pleasant to work with when it comes to low level systems programming.
Unfortunately, a part of building an internet search engine involves database-adjacent low level programming.Been working on improving Marginalia Search query parsing and understanding. This is going to be a pretty long update, as it’s a few months’ work.
Apart from cleaning up the somewhat messy query parsing code, a problem I’m trying to address is that the search engine is currently only good at dealing with fairly focused queries, they don’t need to be short, but if you try to qualify a search that is too broad by adding more terms, it often doesn’t produce anything useful.The project has been haunted by a mysterious bug since sometime February. It relates to the code that constructs the index, particularly the code that merges partial indices.
In short the search engine constucts the reverse index through successive merging of smaller indices, which reduces the overall memory requirement.
You can conceptualize the revese index itself as two files, one with offset pointers into another file, which has sorted numbers. This code runs after each partition finishes crawling and processing its data, and has a run time of about 4 hours.I set out a little over a week ago to add a service registry to Marginalia Search, primarily to reduce its dependence on docker. I would like it to be able to run on bare metal as well, which poses a problem since configuring the application manually is a bit of a headache with dozens of ports that need to be set up. It would also be desirable to be able to run multiple instances of important services in order elliminate downtime during upgrades.It’s been three years since the inception of Marginalia Search, then a dinky experiment to find where the heck the cool Internet has gone, now my full time job.
While there’s always things that can be improved, it’s fair to say the search engine has never worked as well as it does right now.
A great number of milestones have been reached, perhaps biggest of all the search engine has moved out of my living room and into a proper enterprise server.One of the great joys of working on a search engine is that you get to reverse engineer SEO spam, and overall study how it evolves over time.
I’ve been noticing the search engine spam strategy of adding ‘reddit’ to page titles for a few years now, but it feels like it’s been growing a lot recently. I don’t think it’s actually working, but it’s so cute that they are trying.Marginalia Search very recently gained the ability to filter results by Autonomous System, not only searching by ASN but by the organization information for that AS. At a glance this seems like a somewhat frivolous feature, but it has interesting effects.
Autonomous Systems are part of the Internet’s routing infrastructure. If your mental model of an IP number is that they are the phone number of the computer, this is something akin to a postal code.